Hi, Today I am trying to explore something new to our readers regarding the best web hosting for Jekyll-based website. The aim of the post to make you aware of Jekyll. Therefore, we cover topics such as:
- How to get your site running creating and managing your own content.
- We also talk about customizing the way your site works deploying on the various environment.
Also, this isn’t a tutorial, but a written of my experience with the Best Managed WordPress Hosting a step by step guide to building your Jekyll website.
What is Jekyll?
Jekyll is basically a simple, blog-aware static site generator. It works as a template directory that contains the raw text files in various other formats.
Just like runs through a converter and comes out with a complete, ready to publish a static website that is suitable for serving your favourite web server.
How To Build Jekyll Websites?
You may have heard about Jekyll earlier, if not let us tell you Jekyll is a website generator comes to work for building most of your static blog posts, static pages. Starting with Jekyll with the default theme is just the first step.
The first that requires is to start having the best web hosting for Jekyll-based website or blog. T
he magic happens only after creating blog posts using the front matter to control templates and another layout, and this is an awesome configuration option which makes Jekyll loved by everyone.
For reference: Jekyll is one of the crucial engines behind the GitHub pages, that means when you use Jekyll to host your website, blog or even a page make use of GitHub’s server for free.
Now, why Jekyll becoming so popular? Perhaps the answer is in the post itself.
So, reading the post until the end can help you understand the process and find the best web hosting for Jekyll-based website. Now there is a catch as we have said earlier that Github pages can be a good start when you’re trying to host a Jekyll website.
However, if you’re running with any custom plugin you will not be able to use them on Github. Since Jekyll is super light and serving up the HTML pages.
You can host it on any server with SSH access for easy deploying. Getting one best web hosting for Jekyll-based website would suffice the need of everything literally few web hosts offers you a complete Jekyll infrastructure.
It is viable that a website needs less than 2 seconds of loading time. Anything beyond that will put people swipe away to another website. When you need a Web Hosting for a specific location as because your target audience in the country.
You can choose a Web Hosting For A Specific Location this will give users benefits of opening your website at blazing speed irrespective of the web hosting plan you choose.
Jekyll’s simple purpose with a web hosting
Since, the web development has become more complicated when dealing with frameworks, package management, task runners and vulnerabilities.
There are issues faced by many WordPress developers but can be solved using tools that remove the complexities of simple websites. This is where enters Jekyll.
Now, when you asked us about the best web hosting for Jekyll-based website we thought to make you understand the concept behind the Jekyll development.
Jekyll is mostly used as a site generator that makes it easy for the designers, front-end developers to make a faster website. It has a built-in template language and comes with the premade themes that are available to almost everyone.
We have seen a steady increase in Jekyll development for the past few years and it might add to a good solution for someone wants to learn more about coding and polish his website quickly.
Development on Jekyll has largely grown over time and this means it can be a perfect project where advanced functionalities are not needed.
For a detailed review on Jekyll, best web hosting for Jekyll-based website we recommend you A2Hosting for optimal performance and reliability.
To start with the Jekyll creating a website you should have a pretty basic knowledge of the following things like
• Liquid template language
• Terminal
• Git
• HTML/CSS as well as the Jekyll framework
However, we have seen so many people recommending Github pages as a good choice to start off. Therefore, if you’re running a custom plugin you will not be able to use them on Github.
Since it’s a lightweight application (about HTML pages), you can host it on any server with access to SSH (for easy deploying).
There are several ways by which you can make Jekyll and static sites in general. But the first step would be to find the best web hosting for Jekyll-based website.
Yes, there are few of them in the market that allows you to one step drag & drop deployment process that optimizes with the JS, CSS and images and perfect sets caching headers and uploads everything to CDN.
One really killer features that it strives to make any HTML forms simply work and so all of your forms your Jekyll blog can have formed and sent you to email notifications and submissions.
You will come across read/write API in works so, the web hosting particularly those spends the time to deploy Jekyll are going to be real gem soon. There are few best web hosting for Jekyll-based website out there and this is why I proposed writing this in the post.
Best Web Hosting for the Jekyll-based website?
[su_heading size=”17″]1. MilesWeb[/su_heading]
[button-red url=”https://bloggerprasad.com/go-milesweb” target=”_self” position=”center”]Go to MilesWeb Webpage[/button-red]
MilesWeb knows every small aspect and you need to create, hosting and Jekyll websites and it is one of the best web hosting for any type of website.
Hence MilesWeb is the most popular and reliable hosting company across the world for Jekyll websites. They come with faster and Litespeed technology with powerful servers.
There hosting lets you use the tools that you need to run up your site and make it simple to host and create your Jekyll website within few hours. It is the best platform to host your Jekyll websites.
You get a turbo boost with a faster website load speed compare to other hosts. It’s the same as WordPress, you can easily install it in one click and make your site easily.
MilesWeb is a mall of hosting services where you get all types of hosting solutions in one place such as shared, dedicated, cloud, reseller, and cheap managed VPS hosting, etc.
Why MilesWeb is the Finest Web hosting for Jekyll websites?
We tried and tested tons of hosting services and we observed that Milesweb’s provides one of the finest services at low-cost prices.
You can compare their plans to other companies like a2 hosting, domain racer, Bluehost, etc. It’s cheap in price and comes with similar features. They also provide best WordPress hosting in India.
MilesWeb Hosting Features
Fast Speed and Performance
Milesweb hosting has light-speed technology that helps your site to load faster and smoothly. If you really want the fastest Jekyll website hosting then MilesWeb is the best SSD server performing configure and fast running a Jeykill website hosting.
SSL certificate
Every online shopper is concerned about the website’s authenticity while buying a product. That is why a lock of HTTPS must always be the first concern for every website owner.
To not make it difficult for you and rather than to spend anything more, MilesWeb incorporated a free SSL certificate with each shared web hosting plan.
Let’s Encrypt protects the website data during its transmission from the server to any website. SSL certificate also helps in ranking a website on top results of SERPs.
Website builder
A website builder is an in-built website builder tool that allows you to make your website for free.
It doesn’t require any coding skills to build a website as one can simply choose the template from thousands of free templates available and launch a website in a few Minutes.
The process is very easy and simple, just drag and drop the content into the chosen template and a website gets ready.
SSD Storage Space
MilesWeb perfectly notices and understands the needs of their customer’s business with hosting features. The best SSD shared hosting service maximized the website’s performance and accelerated it to perform at a high loading speed.
Secure Email accounts
The secured and quick access to all emails are provided with all hosting plans, It gives you the freedom to access the emails at any time and from any corner of the world just with the availability of webmail.
Latest PHP and MySQL
All website hosting plans come with the latest PHP and MySQL versions to keep a website up to date. A small plugin updates the software automatically even after you purchase the plan, thus you do not need to worry about the updates.
The best data center is the one, that helps you to reaches your targeted audience. So, to select the desired one, it is suggested to go with the server location that is near to your business.
MilesWeb provides a global data center location to choose from that can reach out to your targeted audience from different options available.
Malware scan and removal
We all know that hackers always keep their eyes on good websites. They always find out ways to collect sensitive information from your websites and thus a strong protection shield is necessary for every site.
The malware protection service from MilesWeb scans your site on regular basis and even if a small malware is found they eliminate it immediately.
If you wondering which web host is suitable to host Jekyll websites then MilesWeb is best choice for you.
[su_heading size=”17″]2. DomainRacer Hosting[/su_heading]
Buy DomainRacer Best Cheap Web Hosting
DomainRacer understands every aspect and everything you need to make, hosts, and modernizes Jekyll websites and it is most of the fine-tuned solution for securing your website blog.
That’s because the DomainRacer is the most reliable, low cost and best web hosting for Jekyll website or blog to boost your site on a powerful server with faster LiteSpeed technology and any other hosting service.
Starting with DomainRacer lets you use the tools that you need to run up the blog and make it very effortless to host & build your Jekyll websites within just a few minutes without much hassle. Perhaps, it is the best platform for Jekyll-based website or blog.
DomainRacer is CMS build, deploy and manage for Jekyll web project and improve your static site with dynamic functionality. It is more integrated with lots of a great web hosting for your Jekyll website.
[button-red url=”https://bloggerprasad.com/go-domainracer” target=”_self” position=”center”]CHECK DOMAIN RACER WEB HOSTING PLANS[/button-red]
Why DomainRacer Web Hosting Best Options for Jekyll-based Website?
In our beliefs, DomainRacer is one of the best choices for your Jekyll website blog to offer various features – some of the features are listed below.
- Speed and Performance
You don’t have to worry about DomainRacer web hosting, it offers a lot of great high performing LiteSpeed technology and higher-tier plans, and you’ll get the benefit to further improve your site’s performance.
If you want the entire fastest and secure Jekyll web hosting then DomainRacer is the best SSD server performing configure and fast running a Jekyll website.
- High-Security Tools
Website security is most essential for your business that the reason DomainRacer offer Free Let’s Encrypt SSL security. To avoid issue and malware, they offer 7+ security tools like Imunify360, ImunifyAV+, ModSecurity and Many more tools.
- Developer Friendly Hosting
All professional web developers want to developer-friendly host to get the most reliable frameworks and advances technology with great featuring script support and database support.
DomainRacer offer lasted feature and development service that makes it possible for developers to deploy as per special requirements.
- CloudLinux Platform
DomainRacer offers ultra-reliable web hosting for Jekyll website to get 99.9% uptime, LiteSpeed cache technology, CloudLinux platform that ensuring your website runs smoothly even at high traffics.
- Top Tier Data Centre Server
DomainRacer offers top tier server location to build on a reliable and secure connection to make their servers speedy and fast response time.
There data centre location located in India, USA, Canada, Singapore, UK, Germany and France.
[su_heading size=”17″]3. A2 Hosting[/su_heading]
[button-red url=”https://bloggerprasad.com/go-A2hosting” target=”_self” position=”center”]Check A2Hosting Plans[/button-red]
We all know, a blog is a weblog and when the word blog is created by combining the word.
The A2 hosting stands in the first place, securing your blog or website in a medium that it reaches your thoughts and opinion reaches the masses.
That’s because the A2 hosting understands every aspect of your blogging. A2 hosting with its powerful servers.
You get TURBO boost with 20x faster loads speed than competing hosts.
Like the majority of the hosting, it set up in a few seconds with a popular blogging software known as WordPress in just one click.
You do get UNLIMITED space and STORAGE. Beginning with a2hosting is simpler now.
A2host offers you all the tools that you need to blog up running within a few minutes without much hassle. Perhaps, this is one of the Best Web Hosting for Jekyll-based website or blog.
The time to take your blog or website online is easy with the introduction of Softaculous software that allows an array of primitive tools including b2evolution, WordPress, ghost and so on.
Even for someone new to blogging require some prior knowledge.
The WordPress that comes with a2 hosting makes it extremely easy. Earlier I have shared a post on high traffic sites and it’s unique challenges that they face from time to time.
Of course, a site that receives tons of traffic from around the world need to remain stable and at the same time responsive during the traffic surge.
The Perfect Jekyll Hosting Solution is ready
A2hosting offers you most of the fine-tuned hosting solution blazing fast. You can choose the right package tailored to your needs.
Just a few clicks and A2host makes your life easier than ever. The best Jekyll Hosting in the Industry.
Since the company started its operation in 2003 it has gained immense popularity among users. And, most probably the best web hosting for Jekyll-based website or blog you find.
Do you know a2hosting have won recognition and accolades as the top hosting provider in the industry?
Like so many other hostings in the market but the Best Web Hosting for the Jekyll-based website is A2 hosting. The A2 host offers both blazingly fast and reliability to the far extent and they have worked hard with their accomplishment since the launch of the company.
That’s why 97% of a2 hosting customers recommend the hosting to their friends and colleagues. Since a service that rightly picked for your specific hosting needs.
For instance, Shared, reseller, VPS, dedicated everything you can get here.
And, with managed WordPress with just a click of the mouse, you will see a full break down the speed of the A2 web hosting services.
Why do we call A2Hosting to be the Best Web Hosting for the Jekyll-based website?
A2 web hosting is one of the best blog hosting opinion in our opinion. Features like Ghost, B2evolution,PivotX,Dotclear,Nibbleblog.
Not just that, A2 web hosting offer you with the following features
- High Performance
With a mere 1-sec time taken to load, the page can impact the bounce rate that can drop the SEO ranking and even the conversion gets affected too.
You don’t have to worry when you host your website with the a2hosting.
The screaming fast Swift server platform can outrage with optimized servers onboard along with the free will to choose the server location, free SSD can bring 20x faster page loads is one of the advantages you get from a2hosting.
- Custom Solution
You never know, when you suddenly stuck with your hosting.
Choosing a2 hosting can take you further ahead making the journey most fruitful. Also, you get the perfect design for your server.
That means you never stuck with the resource limit. The design is completely risk-free with an anytime money-back guarantee.
- Developer Friendly Hosting
Like most experienced developers who want full control over your environment. A2 hosting offers a steady flow to it.
You get root access that means you’re now able to see and edit all your server files.
This is why we choose to go with A2 Hosting because most often you need to code around that means you get full-fledged support from A2 Hosting technical team if you come across any issues.
This is probably the best web hosting for Jekyll-based website or blog.
- Ultra-Reliable
If you come across something like 100% uptimes. Do know that most of them claim to make such claims to attract customers and the moment you’re with them.
You will realize the sad part!
Whereas A2hosting is transparent and allows 24×7 support with a quality tech team that works hard for you ensuring your server runs smoothly even at peak hours.
This is why A2hosting has conveys the best data centres and to make sure they also include the latest security patches with committed 99.9% server uptimes.