SmartLook Review – Visitor's screen recording tool

smartlook visitor session recording tool review
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Luckily I had the opportunity to test this awesome tool and thought of writing a detailed post on: Smartlook Review. It would be nice enough to know about the features that it offers to a website owner.

SmartLook Review – Should You Use This Session Recorder?

Hey! We have got you here that means you probably want to know how visitors look when they surf your site. In simple words, you will come to know everything users do when they visit your website or blog.
Like where they click, how they browse through your articles gallery and spend time on your website. I am sure right after sharing this entire journey with SmartLook Review online application you will be more excited about trying out this super cool app. See, why would one want to spy on your visitors. The reason is to get more sales, page views, affiliate income or clicks. Like most website churning out millions of dollar in a month.

Do you even know, how they made it?

You can have this cool app integrated into your website or blog and it will start tracking users with the country location that can further help you to improve know more about your webpage from a user perspective. Read the entire SmartLook Review to know more about the awesome features.
To generate more sales, decrease bounce rates use the SmartLook online application. SmartLook provides a perfect tool for your online business. I found the tool while searching for the best free heatmap tool. After using it for a few weeks I thought for a “SmartLook Review” on my blog.
First, I went to their website to chat with the support team. Well, they have made me describe everything like service they offer and about the pricing, and one of the most important thing using SmartLook require no additional fee at first. You get a free version along with their paid plans.
The entire activity is done using the free service offered by SmartLook. SmartLook offers the easiest way of recording visitors screen with the help of using this tool. In our Smartlook review, you’ll get most of the queries answered. In my opinion, this is the best Visitor’s screen recording tool for a website or blog.
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Features Of SmartLook Session Recording Tool

  • Number of recording (Unlimited)
  • Number of website recorder (Unlimited)
  • Ajax & Https supported
  • Dynamic page supported
  • Pricing (Free) & (PAID)

Nowadays, technology made things possible for everyone. A perfect solution by which you can record everything to improve the user experience. A tool that you must-have for your website or blog. This tool can record, generate heat maps and customer browsing history in a matter of seconds.
The recording starts as soon as someone enters your website. This means you can now see what visitors clicked with their mouse. Where they spend most of the time. You can even trackback these things to know where your users get more engagement in the article. Here I made a “SmartLook review” and I am using the free trial (version) of this online application. So why wait! When you’re getting something absolutely free of cost.
I started back a day or two before writing this post so, users engagement are less at this point in time. But I can assure in no time it started with the visitors recording, creating heat maps and custom journeys through the SmartLook. The FREE plan let you start right away no need to pay anything for using it. Even I am using a FREE plan and later upgrade to their PAID plans after the trial expires.
This is the reason I decided to write a magnificent review of the service. Now, coming to its usage, you get a Filter to see a visitors activity/inactivity on your website. The service can track and record the activity of the users when visitors clicked with the mouse like, they entered and filled a form or so.
SmartLook is exclusively free and has unlimited screen recording features. This is where you get all the activities of visitors viewing your page or blog. You can watch over and let you decide to improve your website. SmartLook is one of the easiest ways to record a visitor’s screen. With the help of this plug-in, you can eavesdrop on your visitors browsing.

  • SmartLook – Visitor Activity Tracker & Recorder

smartlook visitor tracker & recorder
What would you see when a visitor visitors come to your site. With the help of this tool, you will come to know if there are any bugs or mistakes to rectify and solve them to improve the site viewing experience of your website. The recorded video shows the user’s mouse movements where they clicked and how they filled a form. In our Smartlook review, you’ll come to know everything about this awesome visitor’s screen recording tool.

  • Find the Visitors Session Replay

Smartlook offers you grab all recording right from one place. This, you can study more about the visitor’s behaviour. For instance, on Monday someone visits your website through Google and exit after checking out some products or pages. When I thought to make this “Smartlook review” for your peoples I didn’t know then, about the recording features. But after every passing day. I came to know about the features that it has and I am glad to use its paid plans just after my trial expires.
On the next day, it comes again to see from another source suppose Facebook post. You will come to know everything about the new users and returning users. You’ll also come to know peoples stay on your blog or website. Or people simultaneously browsing other websites with yours. You’ll get a notification after a visitor move to other websites. We hope we have cleared most of the things from this Smartlook Review.

  • Let’s try the Heatmaps

smartlook helps generate website heatmaps
The tool offers you to generate heat maps after you start getting a few page view. You can check where visitors most clicked on your site and how far they scroll to see the end of the page.
This will help you to focus more on “Call to action” button placement so that you get most clicks from it? This is where most peoples bring sales down under their knees. You now have the option to seek an appropriate position to set Call to action button from most of your sales can generate.
You will also come to know whether your content is fully read or not. The heat maps will try to answer all your question regarding visitors arrival, clicks and so on. That’s why we have published a detailed post on Smartlook review so that people in need of this tool can simply TRY OUT!! before they finally purchased the tool.

  • Quick fixes and share Information with your team

add your team to smartlook dashboard
While using this tool you may come across some important things like videos that have recorded by this simple tool offers a sharing option through which you can share important information with your team members. If you come across some big issues with the website you send a link to website designer with the recording so that he can see and fix it instantly.

  • Manage multiple websites with one account

use multiple website with one single smartlook account
Now, you can add multiple websites under one single account. That means you get put unlimited website under 24×7 surveillance from one single account and manage them all in one place. You can also add users to under one account. Now, you know almost everything from our smartlook review and we’re glad that you made it till last.
Consider buying this tool after the trial expires. You will never be disappointed. Read the entire post on smartlook review so that you can understand every bite of features and functionalities from this tool.

  • You can add various tags to your visitors

add tags to your visitors
This feature is one that gets rid of all confusions about the users, the API provides you with complete information on adding customer’s name with their email and other important information to your system. After that, you can see the customer profile and easily know about the customer who is browsing your website.

Best Features of SmartLook Session Recording Tool

  • You can track pageview
  • You also have referral source tracking
  • Site search tracking
  • Time of site tracking
  • User interaction tracking
  • Unlimited users
  • API Access
  • Recording Ajax and single-page apps
  • Recording mobile devices

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Few things that we did not like about SmartLook Session Replay Tool

  • There are some unsupported scenarios where We did not like while working in SmartLook. Some of these cases are given below.
  • Mostly, the FREE account has some limitations and once you get close to limit recordings for the current month. It will stop recording the visitors.
  • Peoples who are using ad-blocker on their browser. This tool doesn’t track them. A visitor using any plug-in to block ads and scripts.
  • SmartLook also doesn’t track website running in test mode or on localhost. A website that is located and private VPN networks.
  • The recording will be started or finished right after 30 seconds of each visitor’s session.

SmartLook Visitor’s Screen Recording Tool – Is This Worth Buying?

I have decided to conclude the statement with a big “YES” Why? Because I love this tool, I use it almost every day and I can see a steady rise in traffic with an equal amount of sales gets generated from Ads and using smart techniques. All because of this lovely tool. So, what’s next? This is a really good tool. If we try to exclude something from the limitations especially for the free users.
If you love bringing some joy to your blog or website, we have made this smartlook review exclusively for you peoples who always wished for insight over leads generation. The SmartLook is one of the best tools for website owners, whether you’re running an e-commerce site or blog there are no good tools that can compete with SmartLook in any criteria.
That’s all I can say about this SmartLook review. It has always been a great experience trying out different things on our blog. This is why we loved to review this wonderful tool/service from SmartLook. We hope you have understood and learned everything from this smartlook review.
In future, I will find more such exciting tool/services like this and will share this with you. You can join our newsletter given below the post. So, that you don’t miss out anything exciting we upload shortly.

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