What is Bloggerprasad?
Thank you for spending a little time to hover on “About us Bloggerprasad” page. The bloggerprasad was build for you and the readers. This is a straight authority blog which connects bloggers, webmasters and everyone at one platform by connecting with each other. Bloggerprasad was strictly made for self-promotion.
Bloggerprasad.com domain was registered on 3rd May 2017. This first blog was on freelance as a career as I had no idea about the niche I’m going to write. Finally, I stumbled upon web hosting, blogging, WordPress as my main focus.
There I have loads of presentations and Information Blogging tips, How to start a blog, Affiliate marketing, reviewing Hosting and at last reviewing gadgets and by becoming an affiliate blogger. From, beginning I’m writing for bloggerprasad.com and administered the website as well.
As this journey turned me into a full time blogger. I can say there is so much to learn as a blogger. I pen down everything and share my voice and opinion to everyone with different perspectives and how to create and maintain a blog.
Why Bloggerprasad?
Bloggerprasad brings the latest comparison on various Web Hosting, Writing on WordPress themes and Plugins, so that a user or young blogger can read the blogs to know better about choosing the right web hosts for their website or blog.
Blogging is a standard career for most of the student and retired persons. Basically, sharing information through online. This blog offers the user with simple, basic and advanced methods on setting up web hosts, know more about hosting, a detailed comparison of web hosting packages with pricing.
The blog also helps to determine which theme is right for your blog occasionally we do review themes for WordPress users. Due to fact that a fast loading theme with minimum glitches helps WordPress users to build and maintain a website easily.
I personally use Generatepress theme because of its lightweight in nature. Generatepress WordPress theme is used by millions of people and so people like me. Also I use a limited number of plugins to design my posts.
When you read my blog you’ll come to see posts that looks clutter-free and detailed in nature. I believe writing things from honesty and feel everything should be placed as it is. I don’t brag about something that I do not care about.
I review and write things after completely evaluating the nature of the product/services and understand whether its has good value for proposition or not. If not, I don’t share things not withstanding to the fact to gain monetary value from it.
About Me: Prasad Maitra (Founder of the blog)
My Personal Blogging Desk
I am Prasad Maitra. This is one of the blogs from my blogging desk. My first tech blog was started from blogger.com and then I finally moved it to WordPress seeing good opportunities in 2017.
My main motto of this blog is to make my presence in online marketing as well a gift our readers something back while reviewing hosting and themes in ultra-low cost. And, that too even at discounted rates for our readers. My mission is to clear most of the questions to rise from the Blogging enthusiasts.
Instead, I started my blogging career from my home and it took no time to build my workspace to connect the world 24×7. I hope this communication will be very helpful for all young bloggers.
Finally, I have created this blog on Google blogger platform.
Well, I did not work there for much time but still, I receive a good amount of traffic and then, I opted to go for self-hosted WordPress website And, started few others on various topics.
My Personal Blogging Desk:
The Blogging Workplace is designed with 9×9 feet room and inaugurated on 3rd of May 2017. I have a small setup and well-maintained structure for my Blogging workspace. They are
- Primary laptop ASUS (i5-6200U Processor)
- Dell S2216H 21.5 Monitor (edge-to-edge screen)
- Secondary laptop Lenovo essentials for backups and other tasks.
- Nearly 200 e-books on blogging
- My Workspace always has some magazines and a tab for going through all news on daily basis.
- I have a Creative speaker 2.1 Surround which I use on daily basis.
- A 60Mbps connection on Alliance broadband as well on Jio network.
At last, I upgraded my setup for blogging on 16th May 2020 which includes a list of things like buying two separate monitors (Benq GW240) with monitor stand. A dekstop powered by Ryzen 5 processor, 16Gigs of RAM and Nvidia 1650 graphic card for use.
And the best thing is that I saved all my income from blogging and brought a gaming PC which I use for blogging also.
If you’d like to connect with this blog, please follow me on the various social platform.Thank you so much for your interest to know about us. Contact us at maitra.prasad@gmail.com. If you need any further information!
Have a good day.
Prasad Maitra