Start Your Website With MilesWeb Managed WordPress Hosting

WordPress is a widely used content management system based on PHP and MySQL. WordPress has acquired more than 26.4% of the web market, which includes small personal blogs, small business websites, mid-size business websites, to Fortune 500s like Sony Music and Forbes Blog.

You can imagine the management of such widely used content management system is not that easy as it sounds. This is because it has a huge number of users, so need special protection from the malware, cyber crimes, etc. That’s why having a WordPress management partner like MilesWeb is essential for every WordPress user.

You must be thinking why am I suggesting MilesWeb? The reason is that MilesWeb provides you with the best WordPress management with all the hosting features at just £1.13/mo.
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Reasons to rely on the MilesWeb WordPress management team

  • Fully Managed WordPress

MilesWeb takes care of the heavy lifting server management task for you. All the technical stuff, updates,etc. are handled by MilesWeb so that you can concentrate on your primary business.

  • Free WordPress Migration

The team is responsible for the careful migration of your website data from the current provider’s server to the MilesWeb server at any time you want.

  • High-Speed Performance

The Managed WordPress hosting UK plans from MilesWeb come with the latest Intel Xeon processor with SSD storage and hardware RAID 10 which gives your website the faster page loading speed.

  • Do I get the professional WordPress themes with MilesWeb?

Yes, MilesWeb understands the importance of the appropriate designs and themes for your website. You get the choice to pick from over 200+ WordPress themes. Jetpack allows you to preview and choose the theme instantly.

Features of MilesWeb WordPress Management 

1) Lifetime Free Domain – With the purchase of the Heart and Diamond plan, you get either a .com or .in domain for free. The domain avails throughout the lifetime.

2) Automatic WordPress Updates –You don’t need to update the WordPress plan manually.

As the MilesWeb keeps an eye on the latest versions and automatically upgrades the latest version in your system. All the core plug-ins get installed to your platform as soon as they are released.

3) SSD Storage – All the WordPress plans have the SSD storage that helps your site to give 200% better performance as compared to its current performance.

4) Free SSL Certificate – The SSL certificate keeps your site secure from the external viruses. So, SSL certificate provides you the hassle-free prevention that allows you to concentrate on your business.

5) WordPress Preconfigured – The team makes sure that WordPress is pre-configured so that the management of site becomes an easy task for you. This helps you to manage the plugins of WordPress with fewer efforts.

6) Fast Provisioning – MilesWeb gives you the robust, ultra-fast, scalable and Cheap Web Hosting UK for your WordPress site. Additionally, it comes with the feature like SSD hardware, PHP 7 and HTTP/2 support that helps your website to fly with blazing speed.

7) Secure Email – Each WordPress hosting plan comes with the email accounts that allow you to create multiple email address with IMAP/POP/SMTP accounts.

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MilesWeb avails the technical features with the WordPress management service such as –

1) Cloudflare Railgun – Cloudflare Railgun is an optimization technique that speeds up the performance of the non-cached web pages. It also ensures that the connection between your web hosting server and the CloudFlare CDN as fast as possible.

2) HTTPS by Default – HTTPS sign indicates that the website is secure. It helps to secure the traffic between your site and visitors, this also boosts the SEO of your website.

3) GZIP/Brotli Compression – GZIP compression software improves the delivery time of all the sites, regardless of the size and the traffic that it receives on daily basis. It also reduces the load of the server.

4) SFTP Access –The old slow FTP is been replaced by SFTP to transfer the files in a secure way between the networks.

5) WP-CLI –WP- CLI helps you to interact with your site through the command line or even through programmatically.

6) Dedicated WordPress Support –The WordPress experts at MilesWeb are always ready to serve you round the clock. You can contact them through chat, email and tickets.

7) CDN –CDN helps you to expand the reach and performance of your site to improve your visitors’ experience at the global level.

8) Cloning – For the testing or up-gradation of a website, you may need to clone it without hampering its functionality. The 1-click cloning tool helps you to clone the website so that you can edit the website and come back again with the complete work done. Also, to migrate the website you can clone the website by using this specific tool.

9) Server-side Optimizations and Caching – Server optimization and clearing cache increase the website loading speed. The caching tool discovers the most frequently used data and keeps it ready to go immediately as it is requested.

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WordPress has many plugins and software that you can use to create a website. All the plug-ins get updated very frequently and you need to keep an eye on such upgradations. So, having a WordPress management partner will be beneficial as it will work for your WordPress related work and you can work on your primary business. All the technical issues will be handled by your WordPress management partner so that you don’t have to get worried about it.

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