How To Start A Blog In 2020? My 3 Years Of Blogging Journey

Since, you’re looking how to start a blog? I am glad to have you here! I am more to say in my post for a step by step successful blogging start, doesn’t matter if you have technical knowledge or experience. Gradually, when you start to dig into my post, you’ll be more surprised to know how to start a wordpress blog in 2017. This is the blog, I wish I had when I stated over 1+ year ago.

My 3+ Years Of Blogging Journey!

Are you looking for a Step-by-Step process to start a new blog? Let me tell you this free guide will showcase how to start a blog? I’ll show you the method to create a blog that is simple yet functional using a complete tutorial. My Name is Prasad Maitra and I am going to showcase to you how to start a blog in 2020. I have no experience in building blog prior to 2017 since bloggerprasad [dot] com is that the only WordPress site that I launched in the year 2017. 
I know starting a blog seems extremely overwhelming and exciting. You’ll be astonished to read this Free Guide that will teach you “How To Start A Blog In 2020”. You just need a computer and some basic skills to set up a WordPress blog and it will cost only 20 minutes of your life. 
Well in my blogging journey, I feel ashamed of admitting the fact that I made quite a lot of mistakes while learning How To Start A Blog. But you can actually get benefited with 3+ years of experience so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes while working on your blog. I created this FREE – How To Create A Blog In 2020 Guide so that everyone can learn and implement the same and come out with a fresh new blog. If you’re stuck at any point make sure you read the steps. Also, you can Connect with me to help you out in any situation. 

What Does A Blog Represent?

A blog represents a kind of website that has a human written content on it, popularly known as blog posts. In recent times we’ve seen people earning from authority blog sites. Also, you can run a successful blog on anything you may feel like. Bloggers usually write things according to the personal perspective that helps connect directly with the visitors of a blog. Additionally, blogs have a comments system for interaction where readers of your blog can pin down their thoughts, advice or appreciation of your writing. 
This is a helpful yet awesome feature that makes readers and blog owners glued to each other. Direct interaction is usually considered one of the biggest (selling point) of starting a blog in 2020. The connection between a blog and the reader base is helpful while they interact and share ideas with the like-minded people and let each other build trust. By starting a blog, and publishing rich content helps establish the loyalty of your readers. As when they feel trust and warmth of the interaction this opens the door for making money online through the blog which is an essential part – Why We Blog?
I have created this blog prior to 2017, with absolute zero blogging knowledge. It took my hard time to manage everything and gather knowledge.Lastly, I have made a fix to it. This guide will be equally viable in need for those like me who want a [su_highlight background=”#ffa399″]Step-by-Step Manual to Start a WordPress blog[/su_highlight]. Today, I am earning a passive income from my blog.

Why Start A Blog?

  • Working At Home

We all know, making money via blogging requires hard work, but the hurdles to entry is low and that’s makes it a very low risk.

  • Be An Author

It’s may be necessary for you to have your own blog for getting approved for Adsense or any other blog monetization. The blog work as a platform for your authorship. And, it becomes easier for you to sell books to different categories of peoples.

  • Grow Your Existing Bussiness

A blog is a platform through which you can contact with large companies and individuals at a very low cost. When you find a place to write-share-encourage others that acts like a business community. A blog is a good way to do that.

Just Write!

[su_box title=”How To Start A Blog in 6 Easy Steps” style=”noise” box_color=”#e5e636″ title_color=”#eb4d4d” radius=”2″]#1 Know first what to blog about #2 Choose the best platform, I recommend you use WordPress. #3 Find a hosting provider, for your blog. #4 Pick a domain and choose your plans. #5 Learn the basics of wordpress #6 Don’t forget to opt for a secure HTTPS connection. It’s important. #7 Learn to design your blog and make it content rich.[/su_box]

Step 1 Know About The Topic You can “Blog”

If you want to be a blogger like me, You can pick a topic of your choice. If you’re more like a business or organization, you should be more focused towards selling your business products and services. Or the cause you promote. Select a topic that you truly feels can make some magic. If you don’t know what should you write about I’m listing a catalogue full of niches you can write about.
how to start a blog
Choose a topic or something that you can talk about for a long time. A blog needs loads of contents before it hits the general audience and start making some money out of it. Blogging requires time, and patience it would certainly grow as the time goes on. But, it will also depend upon the niches or topic that you’re going to write for long time.

Step 2 Choose A Blogging Platform

You need a kitchen to cook right? For, a blog you need to have a platform perhaps, a blogging platform. If you ask me how to start a blog. I would recommend you choosing your best platform for easy accessibility and reliability. What is the best blogging platform? There are 2 blogging platform available right now, one is that of blogger ( and another it WordPress.
I recommend using blogging platform for your blogs. This is definite a good reason to start it with, due to larger community use it on daily basis. The are two type of WordPress blogs you can start with a free version of I do not recommend using this one because of few limitation and growing as a blogger. A self-hosted WordPress site- Yes, this is the one you should look into directly, You can have much more stability and sustainability. This is where your blogging heads up. Sometimes a self-hosted WordPress site is also called blogs.

Step 3 Getting a Good Web Hosting Provider For Your Blog

A host simply makes your blog live for you audience. There are several of its kind with plans, pricing and so on. Howver it becomes a confusing part for those new in blogging and don’t know where to go. I have used several hosting for my blog, and finally found a way which is inexpensive and well established host for beginners.
You can check out “FastComet Hosting Affordable Plans” before you go further with the post.

how to start a blog
Step 4 Select A Web Hosting Plan

If you scroll down the Page, you’ll come across three different type of Shared Hosting Plan from FastComet. I typically go with $2.95/month or $6.95/monthly plan with decent amount of features, but If you are fine moving with $12.95/month plan you will get more features. You can upgrade or degrade any plan you like.
If you’re unsure about FastComet Hosting, then you may go with any web host of your choice. But in case you’re wondering Why we hav reccommeded FastComet over other popular web hosting provider then you may need to read –  FastComet review 
how to start a blog

Step 5 Select A Domain Name & Desired Web Hosting Plan

A domain is basically the name of the URL when typed to reach your website. For example, here bloggerprasad[dot]com is my domain.

Enter a new or existing domain

If you wish to register a new domain you can find BIGROCK in case you’re starting out chances are you’ll need a new domain. If you already have a domain elsewhere, do not worry, it won’t ruin things up this is only to identify your account now.
how to start a blog
Type in the domain name, you wish for and click on the search button to see its availability. 
“Things you need to know when you choose domain name” Pick a domain that is easy to remember and share. Preferred domain Prefix is .com. Select that whenever possible.  Make it easy to say and spell. Do not include confusing string of words in your domain name. Be creative start with one that match with your niches.
Enter your account Info
Sign Up with BigRock (Biggest Domain Registrar) using your email ID. Make sure you input correct Email (All information will be sent on mail)

FastComet Plans and Pricing

FastComet provide you a Free Domain For Life when you signup with their any plans. Here, I have selected to give you a reference how signup process screen will look like.
how to start a blog

Step 5 Select An Account Plan

I have selected FastComet – StartSmart Plan. It should be based on your requirements and how far in advance you want to pay. Now here take a look whenpay for a year or two years in upfront, where you’ll see the prices will decrease reasonably. Not bad for your website or blog. Right?
how to start a blog

Step 6 Should You Choose Some Extras

It will be better not to skip the Domain Privacy Protection. This will help you to keep your personal information private. This will be helpful when you’re addressing it for your business needs. There are few other add-ons you can opt-in as displayed below.
how to start a blog

Enter Your Billing Info

If you have gone thorogh the above steps, you will now able to see the following screen. Enter the payment method of your choice. And hit the “Create Account”.
how to start a blog
As, soon as you provide you the billing info. Hit “Create Account” to setup everything. Skip the upgrades & special offers if you don’t need it. Once you’re done you’ll be asked to add or delete any upgrades. You can skip it by clicking “No thanks” at the bottom of the screen.
Find your all welcome emails!
Once your done with the complete process, you’ll receive multiple emails. If you don’t find them in your inbox. Try to check your spam folder. It’s is very important to locate and keep those emails for future purpose.
Activate your domain
As soon as you receive the welcome emails, you need to activate your domain (if you have opted for a new one). Simply by going through all your Welcome mails you can find the button inside the mail to activate the process.
Choose a password
During the signup process you’ll be asked to reset your password. Just “Create your password” which is secure and contains alphanumeric character. This password will help you to login and get started.

Step 5 Install WordPress

FastComet comes with One-Click-WordPress Installation so that you can start using your WordPress right away.

Choosing a Theme for your WordPress now

Once, you logged in, FastComet provides you free themes to use on your WordPress. I recommend you to skip this part and get a Paid theme for few reasons.

  • #1 Free themes is used mostly but they don’t get updated mostly.
  • #2 The free themes comes preinstalled on your wordpress but you can change it later when you purchase them later.

I have always trusted and used Paid themes from They are extensively used over the years and most recommended for bloggers in all niches.
how to start a blog

Exclusive Coupon Code for you to get a Whooping discount of 70% on MyThemeShop Premium Themes

[su_button url=”″ target=”blank” background=”#ef3a2d” size=”6″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” icon=”icon: arrow-circle-o-right”]VIPMembershipCode[/su_button]

You can read my Schema PRO Review a mythemeshop Premium theme for easily Adsense approval and a must have bloggers or Read a list of 5 Best WordPress Themes for bloggers.

Step 6 Make Your Blog Secure With HTTPS

I recommend using a HTTPS connection, perhaps FastComet offers it free of cost when you purchase your hosting from FastComet. The Option is only valid when your domain registration is completed. Hence, I suggest you to keep an eye on your calendar to come back in 24-48 hours and finish this step. It will take a while for your domain to get spread all over the internet. The Fancy term is “Propagation”. Usually, it takes few hours to complete at a maximum can take a bit longer to propagate fully. When the above steps gets completed you are able to type in your domain name into any browser and check if domain works without forwarding your temporary domain.


If you URL looks something like this:
[su_highlight]http://bloggerprasad dot com[/su_highlight]
Therefore, there’s a push to convert the site like this:
[su_highlight]https://bloggerprasad dot com[/su_highlight]
Do you see the difference? It’s just an “S” after the http, this is what signify and indicates if the site is secure and less prone to brute attacks. This is important.
It gives you and visitors a peace of mind, particularly if they find secure connection on your blog. As, their email id or sign up list will be on safer side. Apart from this Google and others also takes this as good. Why?
Perhaps, in late 2016, Google finds it better to alert people if the site is insecure.

How Can You Make Your Blog Secure With FastComet

Make your site secure is made by an SSL Certificate offered from FastComet Private SSL. If you signed in with FastComet for a hosting and domain service. You’ll get a SSL for free. Incase, You want to stick to you older domain which did not have SSL yet. FastComet will offer you three packages to go with.
how to start a blog

Step 7 Make Some Cutomization! Be Ready To Use Your WordPress Blog

Congrats! Now, you are a owner of your Self-hosted WordPress site. There are various thing you can do now, you are more likely to make mistakes rather than quitting. Follow my method to learn as you go tackling different things as you can.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you want to learn the WordPress basics?

You can always visit my HomePage for an organized list of topics and tools. You can check out the WordPress section in particular. I am always go through this lists to have a good handle on basics publishing posts understanding the permalinks or so.

  • Do you like to tweak your blog design?

If you’re going to customize your WordPress design a bit. You can always look at my posts and check out my blog designs with all do’s and don’ts.

  • Do you want to make money blogging?

Earning money online is not an easy task. I always tell this to anyone who approach me thinking it would be easy enough to earn online as no physical labour is required. Although, I seriously disagree to this statement. If its a blogging then, you may hurt yourself if you think you can be millionaire in few months. Blogging takes time and it would require to make your audience first with list of quality articles. That will provide enough of data of which users finds helpful.

  • Do you want help keeping up all the latest bulletin news of blogging?

This is not a trap but a Sign up newsletter to keep up the latest info about WordPress, New web hosts, blogging and News central for your all online business needs. I went out to internet to send out every bite sized tips on every weekend. This is completely free and you can make good use of it.
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Was this post helpful? If so, you can consider it to share with few others who might appreciate it as well. If anyone trying to make his name online. A blog might help you to do that. Simply share the posts. Thanks!

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